Friday, December 30, 2005

A grand experiment

Consider this a lab experiment, really. Overwhelmed by the buzz about blogs and thinking there is always more to say than time to say it, can a blog be the answer?

It will be (I hope) as messy and diverse as real life. At its best, like the overlapping dialog of a Robert Altman film, coming from all angles but making a point. At its worst, like the overdubbing of most current popular music, it will sample what others have already done and lead nowhere. Time will tell.

Why Zeno in America? Well, first off, not Zeno of Elea, he of Zeno's Paradox, but Zeno of Citium, who founded the Stoics -- a terrific model of citizenship, professional demeanor and personal responsibility in America at the dawn of the 21st century.

In tune rather than opposed to nature, collaborative not self-centered and comitted to a set of guiding principles, not easily blown about by the breeze of current fashion. Again, we'll see.


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